Reviews from our 5,000+ Past Clients

Don't just take our word for it. Read reviews from our past clients to learn about their experiences working with our team of admissions experts.
Devangana Rana
Harvard University

I had an amazing experience with CollegeAdvisor. My mentor helped me immensely with the college application process and made sure that my essays were polished and the best that they could be. He answered any questions that I had regarding the college process and made sure that I didn’t feel lost or confused. I would not be attending Harvard on a full-ride scholarship this fall as an international student without the help and support of CollegeAdvisor! Thank you so much!

Disha Gupta
University of Michigan

The advisor I was paired with was an absolute delight to work with and a godsend. She and the entire team was very willing to work around and with my tight schedule. She stuck with me until the very end, and her contributions to my applications were very much appreciated and needed.

Esther Sharaby
University of Miami

Even with the least expensive plan, my advisor did everything possible to get me into one of my top choices and they succeeded!

Adam Bechtol

I wasn’t sure how much this service would help me when I began my college application process but I was surprised by how helpful it was. I had gotten behind and was struggling to even narrow down my list of schools, but with the help of my advisor began making very good progress. CollegeAdvisor helped to make this process much less stressful for me. My advisor, Pam Walton, was amazing as well. She not only was a huge help with developing my essays, but also pushed me to get things done and keep on schedule.

Allison Guo
University of Michigan

My advisor made a genuine effort to get to know me, which made the essays that we worked on together stronger and much more authentic. Working with CollegeAdvisor helped build my confidence in my college applications!

Aliye Kocak
Texas A&M University

Very informative and warm people. All the advisors were open for personal, one-on-one sessions and you can literally connect with all kinds of students from all kinds of schools: Coca Cola Scholarship Scholars, Ivy League students, and national award winners. They are willing to guide you wherever you’d like to go. I especially liked it when I found myself talking with all kinds of students from different backgrounds, who are also interested in the same field as me, as they gave me good advice on how they got to where they are.