Researching Colleges for Sophomores and Juniors

Join our “Researching Colleges for Sophomores and Juniors” webinar to supercharge your college preparation journey. This informative session is designed for high school students and their parents, and it will cover essential topics to help you make informed decisions. In this webinar, you can expect to learn: – Exploring College Options: Discover how to build a balanced list of colleges that fit your aspirations and goals. – Academic and Extracurricular Planning: Gain insights into course selection, GPA management, and extracurricular activities that stand out on applications. – Navigating College Websites: Learn how to efficiently use college websites to gather crucial information about programs, admission criteria, and scholarships. – Building a Timeline: Establish a timeline for college research, visits, and applications to stay organized and reduce stress. – Q&A Session: Ask our admissions expert Maria Acosta Robayo your burning questions about the college application process. Prepare for your college journey with confidence. Register now for this essential webinar!

Date 11/20/2023
Duration 1:01:29