drexel supplemental essays

Drexel Supplemental Essays 2024-25

Located in the heart of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Drexel University is undeniably an excellent school for students to add to their college lists. The school has over 80 Drexel majors and minors, but the school is most known for its STEM majors, especially computer science and engineering. In this article, we will discuss the Drexel supplemental essays, their importance, and how to respond to the Drexel essay prompts with strong Drexel essays that will boost your acceptance odds.

History of Drexel University

Since 1919, Drexel University has been a co-operative educational institution, which is an amazing type of educational program that students might not have heard about before. “Co-operative” means that all  Drexel undergraduate students work six months at a job in their chosen field as part of their education at Drexel. This work experience is unique and greatly helps strengthen job applications after graduation.

Drexel rankings

The Drexel University ranking is #86 in U.S. News for Best Colleges nationally. This Drexel University ranking is proof that Drexel is a well-respected university in Philadelphia, therefore students should take care in answering the Drexel supplemental essays to help their application stand out. 

Drexel University is considered to be a good school due to many varying factors. It is important to remember that a “good school” is determined by so much more than ranking alone. Other factors to consider include program offerings, campus life, and career-placement opportunities after graduation. Furthermore, ultimately, a “good school” will depend on what an applicant is looking for in their own personal college experience.  

What is the Drexel acceptance rate like?

One factor that can be considered when thinking about if a school is a good school for you is acceptance rate. While the Drexel University acceptance rate is 78%, it is important to remember that acceptance is certainly not guaranteed. Not all students who apply gain admission. Because of this, one should not slack on any part of the application process, in particular, the Drexel essays.

Drexel University takes into consideration several things when determining admission. These variants include a student’s high school performance, letters of recommendation, standardized test scores, and, of course, the Drexel supplemental essays. 

Drexel supplemental essay review

Now, you might be wondering why Drexel University supplemental essays are necessary for your application. Writing the Drexel essays are a chance for students to share with the Drexel admissions committee who they are beyond grades, test scores, and recommendations. This means that students should put the appropriate amount of thought and consideration into their answers to the Drexel essay prompts in order to highlight their positive attributes and unique qualities. 

If you are interested in applying to Drexel University, you might feel a bit overwhelmed by the Drexel supplemental essays. You may be wondering how to craft strong responses to the Drexel essay prompts. Luckily, you’re in the right place! Our comprehensive guide will expertly break down the requirements of the Drexel supplemental essays, while also highlighting some key information about Drexel University to help students have the highest chance of gaining admission with their Drexel supplemental essays. 

Drexel Essay Prompts: Quick Facts

  • Drexel University Acceptance Rate: 78%– U.S. News’s Drexel University ranking makes Drexel a more selective school. 
  • Drexel University Essay Requirements:
    • All applicants must submit a 250 to 650-word personal essay.
    • Applicants to specific programs may be asked to complete additional Drexel University supplemental essays.
  • Drexel University Application: Students must submit their Drexel University application via the Common Application or the Coalition Application. Make sure to have all of your Drexel supplemental essays and other required application materials ready when applying. 
  • Drexel University Application Deadlines:
    • Early Decision: November 1st
    • Early Action: November 1st
    • Regular Decision: January 15th 
  • Drexel University Essay Tip: There is only one Drexel University essay that is required, and this is the personal essay. So, it is important to make your essay count. Make sure you take the time to answer thoughtfully and make the most impact within the 250 to 650-word limit.

Does Drexel University have supplemental essays?

drexel supplemental essays

Drexel University does, in fact, have specific Drexel University supplemental essays. Most undergraduate applicants will be required to submit a personal essay for all college applications via the Common App or Coalition App. Drexel is no exception. The personal essay topics will vary, but the primary purpose of these essays is to tell the Drexel admissions committee things about yourself that cannot be found in any other part of your application. So, we should note that the standard personal essay is different from the Drexel University supplemental essays, but is still a requirement.

More than just the personal essay

In addition to the personal essay, students who apply for certain majors or special programs within the university will be asked to submit additional Drexel essays that express their passion for their intended major. These Drexel supplemental essays provide applicants with the opportunity to help their application stand apart from the rest!

The Drexel essays are dependent upon the program a student applies for, which can be determined from the list of Drexel majors. Later on,  we’ll dive deeper into a few of these programs, as well as introduce the Drexel essay prompts later in this article. 

Use the essays to your advantage

It is important to make the absolute most of your Drexel supplemental essays! Do not make the critical mistake of waiting until the last minute to begin writing your Drexel supplemental essay draft. Allow yourself enough time for editing and proofreading, and you’ll beat that Drexel University acceptance rate.

Follow our guide for tips and recommendations on how to write the best Drexel supplemental essay before the application deadline to help strengthen your application. So, read on to dive into our tips and tricks for writing the Drexel University supplemental essays!

Drexel University Essay Requirements

Drexel University requires the submission of one personal essay between 250 and 650 words. There are also additional Drexel University supplemental essays that are specific to certain programs or majors. Like all supplemental college essays, any of the  Drexel essay prompts will have a suggested word count. Additionally, the Drexel website states that it is important for students to take any and all requirements into consideration while writing. Students can see all requirements, including the required (and optional) Drexel University supplemental essays, by visiting the Drexel University website here.

Complete program-specific essays

As we mentioned, additional Drexel essays will be required if a student is applying to certain programs within the university. Because of this, it is important for students to evaluate all of the potential majors in order to apply for the correct program. To do this, we recommend checking out our resources on how to choose a major as well as considering the specific Drexel majors offered.

Submit by the deadline

It is critical for students to ensure they submit their application, including any required Drexel supplemental essays, by the application deadline. Failure to submit all materials by this date will almost guarantee a rejection letter from the university. Time management, along with test scores, recommendations, and what you say about yourself in your Drexel supplemental essays, will all play an equally important role in the decision of the admissions committee. 

Now, let’s break down several of the programs within Drexel University. And, we’ll take a look at the Drexel University essay prompts required for admission to each of these programs. 

Westphal College of Media Arts and Design Writing Supplement

drexel supplemental essays

As previously mentioned, the Drexel supplemental essays vary from program to program. One such program is the Westphal College of Media Arts and Design. This is the an arts and design school within Drexel University that houses many majors in the creative arts industry. From graphic design to dance, the Westphal College of Media Arts and Design has a wide range of majors to choose from. This program has its own specific supplemental essay required for admission.

Westphal College of Maria Arts and Design prides itself on teaching design, media, and performance in a different way. Being predominantly studio-based, the class sizes are small and hands-on, empowering students to excel in highly creative fields. 

Small class sizes mean fewer acceptances, which means that this program is more selective with acceptances. This is very important to keep in mind when writing the Drexel supplemental essays, either for the Westphal College of Maria Arts and Design or other Drexel programs. 

Breaking down the Westphal supplemental

The essay required for admission into this program differs from the personal undergrad essay that is required for all applicants to submit to Drexel University. This additional essay provides students the opportunity to express interest in their chosen major and provide background information on any previous experience within that field. 

Let’s take a look at the prompt:

Please write a short essay describing why you are interested in pursuing your major of choice at Drexel University’s Westphal College. What have you done that prepares you to study in your major of choice? (Maximum 500 words)

As you can see, this prompt can be categorized as a “why major” essay. This is a twist on the more classic “why school” essay. A “why school” essay is a common type of college application essay that  asks, “Why is this school a fit for you?” and a “why major” essay refers to an essay that asks, “Why is this major a fit for you?”

This specific Drexel essay prompts the student to cite reasons why they are interested in their major of choice. In this instance, it is necessary to know your chosen major at the time of application. It is important to follow the guidelines of the prompt. So, incorporating more than one major interest within this essay would not be advised. Students will have 500 words to respond to this essay. 

Drexel’s BA/BS + MD Writing Supplement

Drexel University offers an early acceptance program for biological sciences, chemistry, and biomedical engineering majors known as the BA/B + MD Early Assurance Program. This program is a 4 + 4 combined program. It offers students early acceptance into both their undergraduate program and their medical school simultaneously.

This unique opportunity is certainly more selective than a traditional undergrad acceptance. Because of this, any Drexel supplemental essays for the BA/B + MD Early Assurance Program will extremely important. It is advised to begin the essay writing process with plenty of time to brainstorm your Drexel supplemental essays, draft your Drexel supplemental essays, and have your Drexel supplemental essays reviewed by several sources prior to submission. We will explain this process in more detail later in this article.

In addition to many admissions requirements, Drexel’s BA/BS + MD program requires its own supplemental essay. This gives applicants the opportunity to share why they are interested in the program at Drexel University College of Medicine.

Let’s take a look at the prompt: 

Tell the Admission Committee why you are applying to the joint program with the Drexel University College of Medicine. Be sure to explain why you want to be a physician and, more specifically, why you want to obtain your medical education at the Drexel University College of Medicine. The essay should be approximately 500 words long.

As you can see, this prompt is also classified as a “why school” essay. Additionally, it could be considered a “why major” essay. So, students have the opportunity to express why they have chosen this program and want to pursue medicine. Utilize this opportunity to touch on your strongest why(s) and highlight your past experience to elevate your application.

Does Drexel University care about essays?

Having to worry about Drexel supplemental essays in addition to all other requirements for college application submission can feel overwhelming. But, it’s important to remember that Drexel University really does care about essays. Otherwise, they would not ask applicants to waste their time writing.

There is a lot more that goes into an admission decision than just numbers. Schools want to know who you are, how you are unique, and how diverse your background is. So, take any opportunity to showcase these elements to the Drexel admissions committee to help your application stand out.

Test-optional policy

Another important thing to note is that Drexel University has a test-optional admission policy. Students do not have to submit their ACT or SAT scores. If you feel your test scores are not indicative of your academic achievement, don’t stress! In other words, only submit test scores if you do well on the SAT or ACT.

Because of this, the Drexel University admissions committee most likely values the Drexel supplemental essays even more. Therefore, students should put a lot of effort into making their essay shine for the admissions committee. Think of this as the time to really allow your personality and experience to shine through. 

How to write the Drexel Supplemental Essays?

drexel supplemental essays

Next, let’s discuss how to approach writing the Drexel supplemental essays. 

Understand the prompt

The best way to begin is to review the prompt and get a full grasp of what it is asking. Break down the question into separate sections. Dissect every part of it fully so that you have a clear direction when writing.

Next, start by drafting a list of all the reasons why you want to attend Drexel University. The admissions committee wants to know your “why this school” logic to determine if you are a good fit. A solid brainstorming session is the foundation of a strong essay, so this is a super important step. 

While writing your list, it is best to be as specific and personal as possible. The more personalized your reasons, the easier it will be to decide which one to focus on. Because the essay is limited to 650 words, we recommend highlighting no more than three reasons for your “why this school”.   

Free writing & drafting

Once you have completed the above steps to set the foundation for your essay, it’s time to free write. Freewriting is a great way to get all of your ideas out and organize your thoughts. You can use the writing you do during this time as a reference point to begin your story.

With both your brainstorm and free write behind you, begin drafting your Drexel supplemental essay. Having already done the prep work, you can choose what you would like to utilize. Knowing the direction of your essay is important. And, remember that you do not have to focus on word count or grammar at this stage. The key is to allow your creativity to flow as you answer the prompt clearly and express yourself to the admissions committee. 

Proofread, proofread, proofread

After your Drexel supplemental essay draft is complete, you will want to proofread your draft for all grammar edits, as well as ensure your essay fits within the word count requirements. From there, your draft will be ready for review by external sources. We recommend that you have your essay reviewed by several people to gain different perspectives. 

It’s advisable to seek out sources who work within education, like teachers, advisors, or counselors, if possible. The goal is for these sources to revise for grammatical errors, as well as offer feedback on the overall structure of your Drexel supplemental essay.

You can utilize this workflow for any of the Drexel supplemental essays you will have to submit, including the essays for specific programs within the university. 

Drexel Supplemental Essays – 5 Takeaways

drexel supplemental essays

Completing the Drexel supplemental essays can feel overwhelming, so let’s simplify five key takeaways to take with you into your Drexel University application process:

Five Main Takeaways

#1- Keep it personal

Prompts for the Drexel supplemental essays will most likely ask personal questions. Personal essays give applicants the opportunity to express themselves and share who they are and why they want to attend the university or major in a specific field with the admissions team. The supplemental essay will be the only component of your application that allows for the admissions committee to see beyond grades and extracurriculars, so it is important to fully utilize the opportunity and answer the question clearly to help your application stand out. 

#2- Follow the word count

The Drexel supplemental essays will be no more than 650 words. However, the Drexel supplemental essays vary in length between 250-650 words. Whether your prompt states 250 words or 650 words, it is critical to follow the word count guidelines. Be sure to narrow down your thoughts dependent on the length of your essay. The shorter the word count, the fewer ideas you will want to include. If you are only including one idea in your essay, make sure it is your strongest. 

#3- Plan for a “Why Major” essay

Another thing to note is that the Drexel supplemental essays differ depending on which program a student applies to. While it is likely your essay prompts will be a “why major” essay, each question will be tailored to the program. That is why it is crucial to know your chosen major prior to applying to Drexel University to ensure acceptance into your desired program. It is also important to note that some programs may be more selective than others, in which case your Drexel supplemental essays will matter even more.

#4- Brainstorm!

Brainstorm a list to narrow down no more than three strong reasons to your “why this school”. That is the first step you should take prior to drafting your Drexel supplemental essay, and it will help to set you up for success. This list will allow you to visually see which ideas are the strongest to incorporate into your essay. Setting the foundation with one to three key ideas will really help visualize the overall structure and concept of your essay.

#5- Leave time to review your essays

Finally, choose several sources to review your Drexel supplemental essays before submitting them to the admissions committee. Prior to submitting your Drexel supplemental essays, it is advised to have several trusted sources review your essay for grammatical errors and structural edits. Having different perspectives and viewpoints can be super helpful for your final revision and might even spark some ideas for your essay that take it to new heights. 

Still need more support?

You’re in the right place! At CollegeAdvisor, we’re here to assist you every step of the way in your college application journey. From formulating your college list to helping with your supplemental essays, our team is ready to help you. And don’t forget to check out our list of the top colleges in Pennsylvania when crafting your college list. And, be sure to reference our essay guides and strong essay examples if you would like to dive deeper into the supplemental essay writing process.

drexel supplemental essays

This guide was written by Nora Eckler. Looking for more admissions support? Click here to schedule a free meeting with one of our Admissions Specialists. During your meeting, our team will discuss your profile and help you find targeted ways to increase your admissions odds at top schools. We’ll also answer any questions and discuss how CollegeAdvisor.com can support you in the college application process.